Cacomistle Gust....



Pyknic Happiness 

Flying across the Sky ,
As happy as June 
As Bright as the moon 
The colorful kite walked along, 
Swaying in delight..
Enjoying its time with Zeus's knights ...
For they blended together 
better than butter and bread 
For the were made for each other 
A fate written by Heaven's Head !
Alas ! the kite couldn't stay long ,
It was time to say goodbye after all,
Locked up by the bars of the evil tree 
The Kite called out " Oh Wind ! , Save Me !"
The wind flew along , As happy as the moon 
The kite stood alone , out beside the cold prune... 
The wind she loved , 
The sky she traveled ,
Trapped her up in the evil trees barrel
For she slowly crept 
To sadness down Earth 
The wind happily left , Unnerved !..
I saw myself up there 
Crying for my knight 
For I was the kite 
who lost all her flight ! .....

                                         - Lee HwaYung 


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