Getting lost with you - 7

Woaahhh...okay...if we take out all the bad things today actually is a "sky is pink " world...I's quite nice..
The shops and all are colorful and there are so much delicacies...
I can hear my stomach rumble..I really hope I'm the only one who heard that .
We met the others at some coffee shop..
Out of all these people around here the only face I'm familiar with is Andrew' that's what I search for first..

We had a few snacks and they shot whatever they were shooting opposite to us...
Now that I've finally came out maybe I should roam around a bit..
I make sure to take a mental note where all of them are sitting so that I can return easily..and decided to check out a few more shops..
Now that I actually started noticing stuff since all the nervous energy has lessened's seems I'm quite less dressed..
I fact I'm low-key having a culture shock over here looking at clothes of girls my age..
They all looked quite pretty..meanwhile I was wearing my most loose Kurti which I kept for the purpose of going out ( which rarely happens in our school ). My hair is a mess of curls ...and I've put on weight since the only thing I do is eat and sit and study...
I'm betting that if my warden walks by..she is probably gonna faint..that would've been fun to watch...

" Hey.. where did u walk off to ?? you need anything ? " 
I turn around to see andrew behind me..
" No.. I'm cool..I'm just touring the place since it looks nice.. " 

" hmmm..." 
Oh my's the awkward silence...should I just Start a conversation on a random topic or just keep quite...

" u really know me ?? me ?? " 
That was the most stupid question...he would've recognized me..otherwise I don't think he would even help me out..

" yea...I remember.. basketball " he answered...

Oh ...suddenly all those utterly hilarious moments of me and those darn basketball classes flashed through my wonder ...I don't think people forget clowns...

He smiled off and said " do u want some icecream...? " 

I follow him off and have icecream with the others...

× next morning × 

Ok..all set...everyone has set their bags and ready to go...I was sitting on the front passenger seat and andrew volunteered to drive...there were 2 more of his friends coming along...they sat in the back..
We decided to stop for brkfst on the way since it was too early.. 
I don't exactly feel at matter how much imaginary andrew is an angel..I must be aware I'm alone with like 3 boys..
On a normal case if my life was one of those's not gonna end well...

" Hey.. listen..if u don't mind...can we like..ugh..." I started off and caught his attention 

" can we what?? " 

" can we like go live ?? " 
" live ?? " he looked startled and confused at the same time..

" like..don't you think it's an intresting story..out of nowhere your high school junior approached you for a ride back home saying she got lost..I think if we portray it would be a good boost to your channel and I could honestly be of some help..." It didn't sound entirely convincing...but I need something which makes me safe...just in case..

" I kinda get probs..let's just go live I guess...I'll set the things should narrate the whole thing...make it spicy ! " 

We laugh off and he sets the things up for me..I think he kinda got my real intention on asking to go live and agree...
I check behind and the rest two are dead asleep since it's early morning...

I really don't know how to go live ..or I haven't ever done a thing like this..but we'll...I decided not to think much and actually go for it..

I messaged neeraja to check the's so embarrassing to use that phone when everyone over here uses nothing other than iPhone and I'm sitting on like a super expensive car..the antique really spoils the mood...but still without it I would've been real dead too...

I started off rambling from my days in the hostel to how I got on the train my happiness , the sorrow I felt on finding out I got initial view of banglore..about yesterday's places...I went on and on...occasionally admiring the view ahead and talking about that too...
About 25 people were watching...I really hope there's no one I know other than neeraja...

Andrew quietly listened to me dramatically explaining the whole story...

I left out all the luckycharm.nonsense when I said...atleast I must sound sane...

The live ended pretty fast ... 
I much could that story last..I spoke for like 2 hours after which even I was done with it..

I closed the cam and just sat there watching the view .

We decided to turn on some music since there wasn't much to say ..
And I just daydreamed to the song playing.. 

It's about 8 am now ...
The other ones are still asleep ...
It's a 7 hour ride...
It's an all exclusive 7 hours of my life with my luckycharm...
Now..when you phrase it like that it doesn't seem too bad...

" what happened ? " Andrew's sudden question hit me off my thoughts 

" eh ? " 
" you were just smiling I was wondering what you were thinking.." 

" ahhhh...the..the's soo nice..I mean.." 

" hmmm " 

The akward silence again...ugh...maybe if I had my phone I could've searched for some convo starters...

"'s college life ?? heard mine while I was talking so I was curious about yours ..." 

" pretty much the same..there are classes then there's fun..." 

..I guess popular people survive wherever they are. For them things must be easy,  when your charming enough I guess you don't need to work hard a lot ...


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