Something New !


I've been thinking..on most days I spend my mornings and afternoon being a couch potato and finally get some work done during 12 - 2 and after that, it's another 2-hour long break after which I go for an exercise and then enter study mode by 8 which last till 9 and then another break and the second session starts a 10 and lasts till 11 after which I manage to sleep by 12. 

this is such a lazy schedule !!..but trust me I improved.

the problem is exams are approaching and apparently there are only 75 more days to NEET and I can assure you I will be the most careless aspirant right now. though I know the seriousness and all I cant seem to focus for a long time especially after such a long break of mine..

so I'm trying slowly to increase my productivity level and hopefully my prep for the exam too..

every day I plan on living an entire diff non-potatoe life around this time of the day which culminates in me doing exactly the same thing I've been doing yesterday or even the day before.

I can't seem to talk about this to anyone too..because the issue is common ..I've talked about this at least once a month and I really don't think it's healthy to keep talking about a problem to someone who faces it too without a solution..its just wasting time...

both sides type how hard it is and a few consolation words which later evolves into a nighttime show of all their past mistakes and embarrassing stories and by 1 am we say good night and sleep..

which basically just wasted our time and we gained nothing other than a momentary sense of relief that I'm not alone.

but as the sun rises and a new day begins the same cycle repeats..and with lockdown going around our teachers quote it as the best time to study and it probably is ...the problem is my adjustment towards this life..

I'm supposed to be having a 16-hour study schedule but to speak the truth I read for like 4 hours today and thats it..

nowadays even my mom is tired of asking me about academics or marks or ranks or results..

it seems bleak to ask so that's probably the reason 

neither do I really feel like talking to friends because it's such an important time for each of us... I don't want to waste anyone's time so I avoid phone calls or chatting stuff which isn't much important anyway.

This leads to me and my BFF robotically sending each other good morning messages and good luck messages..but its kinda nice and respectable too but at the same time seems repetitive makes me wonder why we even bother to say that good morning ..

would cutting off all outside world contact lead me to finally get things straight...

I can imagine that but I'm not quite sure how to execute my plans..

and I should probably quit watching drama series..

but I'm like watching 4 of them simultaneously which accounts for an hour each day of my life...

after all this, i kinda feel like I should at least pretend and do something 

so recently I saw that YouTubers have this thing of following a particular lifestyle for a particular number of days..

so I was thinking of doing the same.

how about following a relatively better schedule starting tomorrow and actually updating my progress and finally getting things done too...

at this point, I've forgotten lucky charm or whatsoever nonsense I used to spout a few months back in this blog.

now I really should start a really impressive routine if I want to be alive ..

so'll update you tomorrow on what kind of lifestyle change I decided on and how well I executed it.

let's see if I'm responsible enough to do so and actually live up to something 

{ just ignore the spelling mistakes and grammar mistakes.. i type too fast and dont really bother to edit what i write so most of my posts have a lot of spelling error which i just dont bother to correct..maybe after august ill edit all of them out once i can make others believe that i can officially waste time now }

/ DAY 2 / 19-05-2021 , wednesday i woke up at 8 ..then i started with studying by 10:30 and finished off by 12 

after which i took a super long break ( not needed but got pulled into ) then i started again at 7 pm and now till 9pm .. i managed to completely finish 2 question papers and am currently about to finish the 3 rd one after which i have one more to study for tomorrows exam..

I also need to compete the writing sections of all the papers. 

thats all then..ahh..

I did'nt prepare for the model tmr.. 

i managed to read molecular basis of inheritance half .. 

pinne i read notes i made on atoms

that was all..

and i checked a few reactions on aldehydes and ketones 

but the main focus is on school exams because i need marks incase they plan to cancel the board exams 

and it seems i also have a few errands to run for tmr..

for tomorrow i will probably need to wake up early so i hope i will..

today i failed in waking up early ..tmr maybe i might 

if i do i will update it in the blog 

so lets see if tmr would beat today in being more productive or not !! 

until then , good night 

/ 20-05-2021/ thursday 

i woke up a 6 , because we had an exam at 9 i revised for it and once eng exam finished we has brilliant exams from 2 pm to 5.. after that i took a break 

then checked phy for an hour and then slept . 

/ 21-05-2021 / friday 

i did not wake up  early..i woke at 8 am and studied a bit after which i went to make cofee and then it was a break which included brkfst and an hour of law school ep 10 ..

and after that by 12 i came to study physics..currently im doing that 

just thought of updating it here in case i forget . 


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