Gray clouds and pitter-patter.


its raining lightly these days 
even the rain has a sweet taste these days 
the long awaited wind whooshes through my hair 
as i look at the rain with a different stare 
There was a time 
when the rain was all mighty and strong 
he wished to flood the world off after all.
that rain scared me , for it reflected disaster 
and today i see the same rain 
only with laughter 
is it the rain who has changed 
or is it me ?
is it the situation which has changed 
i ponder greatly .
for the world seemed dark a few days back 
but i feel the world gives a chance 
for you to come back 
Alas ! , the question stil remains 
will i get up and fly my way ?
would the rain always greet me with glee 
would the star always shine within me 
i know this was some really bad poetry 
but still i wanted to write something filled with positivity 
for i have been mourning too long 
i finally found the strength to smile along 
lets hope it goes well for everyone in the world 
for each of us have our own rain 
to which we twirl and sway away !


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