Getting Lost with you - 10

 p.o.v - rithik 

when she began with her tattle i thought she was just lying....the whole story was just soo absurd. who makes a luckycharm out of a human being ..that too me..

yeah , i can agree upon the fact that ive had girls come and confess once in a while ..but nobody ever told i was their  "luckycharm " ..

i looked to her side as she kept talking.. I dont really believe in the eye never lies concept but at that moment as i saw her..i could understand she wasnt lying and that shes talking about something which means a lot to her..

the fact that I am that something , makes me slightly uncomfortable with a bunch of odd happiness..i cant understand whether im happy , embarassed , annoyed .it seems a mix of emotions..

it feels as though she likes me..and so i asked her

her strong denial made me a bit sad..but her reason for saying so made me understand that she does like me but cant seem to understand that by herself. 

to be honest even i am not sure what to say to all this so i just decide to listen to her. 

i know the guys back are probably not sleeping and jut giving us space or something. 

i think she forgot that the whole thing is live on youtube. shed probably lose her shit when she realises it. 

it takes about 2 more hours to reach kozhikode. 

i wonder what im supposed to say...

" thank you , thank you for thinking of me as someone who you can rely upon. 

most people are blinded by the popularity and most of my connections are shallow , none of it makes me a reliable person. I'm glad i could be that someone for you " 

okay..that was the first thing that came in my head i didnt know how exactly should i respond to this. and its not like im not thankful , hardly in life people consider other people to be this close to them , the fact that she thought so seems weirdly nice to me . 

The car was silent for a while and i decided to on the FM , thirty minitues into the drive i saw that she slept off.. 

pov - l

i woke up to realise that i have saliva dripping from my mouth and my hair looks disheveled and i have this throbbing pain in my eyebrows , probably from hitting my head on the window. 

it took me a while to understand what , why and where am i . 

and then suddenly the whole thing dawned on me . 

I just ended up explaining NY crazy wild theory to my luckycharm who probably thinks I'm out of it now. 

I look at him anxiously .. I have no idea what he has to say to all of that , or if he feels queasy after hearing all of that. 

He was busy driving but then I guess he could sense me staring at him he glanced around at me and just smiled. 

I couldn't hold my laughter in. 

I have no idea what the hell is happening now. So I just laughed like a clown 

And he couldn't stop himself either 

And we drove into the sunset , grinning like idiots towards home. 

Side Note : 

I've put off writing  an ending for this for 3 long years , over the course of time I actually had this draft saved . 

And every year I'd take it and try to write and ending to this. But the thought of ending it seemed to be like loosing something precious.

So in short im not ready to say goodbye to it yet. 

Yup. So cut me some slack.and let my characters be there for each other for some more while as they enjoy the sunset and go home. 

Aaannnd finally after 3 long years. Getting lost with you finally got it's ending. 

Some things needn't end in an ending sort of way. 

Sometimes you need time. So if there ever comes a day where I might end up wanting to change the ending. 

I'll come here and write the alternate ending. But for now , let it be 

Whatever it is , just let it be 


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