Saturday evening


We have sports day now,  so yesterday evening me and keerthana were going to the bds court to watch the game. 
Usually our hostel curfew is at 6 thirty pm but you have to get their before 6 because it prayer time. 
And it's been quite a time since we got out in the evening with all the classes going on. 
And on most days I'm too tired and busy to even take a glance st what was going on. 
But yesterday I had all the time in the world , the next being a Sunday. 
So I was looking around as I walked through the campus. 
Being in med school means you have no campus in itself. Your classes are mostly inside a hospital ans you spent your days among the people who come to visit their.
I noticed a middle aged couple. The wife was pregnant and her husband was helping her with her evening walk. 
It felt soo cut and warm. I glanced at their side for sometime. It was such a precious moment. I felt very happy for them and at the same time I could feel dread inside me. But for what ? , I've never understood why am I so skeptical when it comes to living a normal life. All I could think of on my perspective was that I could never. 

And then after that I just noticed people in general , decided to lift my head uo from the phone and I saw a lot of them accompanied by their loved ones. 
It felt good to see everyone being there for the ones they love. 

And then we went to the bds court to watch the match. 

And then there was sudhir with her usual drama and some new guy to talk about. 
I don't see the big deal but I understand the situation. 
Tbh ut just reminds me kf our hb zero phase which was embarrassing as f ! 
So I guess they need to experience it to understand. As fkr me I am done. 
No thanks. Thinking about 8th grade gives me second hand embarrassment right now so I'll steer away from that sort of drama for now. 

As for classes , everyday there's a new couple popping up in college. Some kf them seem cute while the others are honestly quite an odd pair. 
Well , that's it fkr now. 

I actually thought of writing something very beautifully and all but then j just ended up writing like a boring essay. 
But I'll try to lerisidt and perhaps I might vafuallu improve on this.
This is just temprlalry and we're slowly making our way uo to the literally world. So it's fine . 
We finished the day eith Aloo paratha from shivam and slept off 


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