


i feel at peace as im freshly showered , with my horlicks in my hand. and most importantly my heart feeling as though it doesnt need to go to emergency mode. its quite too finally i can hear the inner me typing this. usually the hostel is waay too loud that its hard to hear what i want to wrote and this results in uncomplete sentences. 

i pondered a lot on what to write ?. but since this was a unplanned visit to the blog i dont have much in my mind. 

my proudest achievements from last time i wrote something here would be 

1) im directing a play !!!! ahhh. you guys have no clue how excited i am about it. but keeping it in cuz i dont wanna jiinx it.

2) finally submitted all the signed sheets to the surgery department and got it done with 

3) managed to go on a date after a looong time and had fun. 

i typed that because 70% of the time all i type here are miseries. so i wanted to type in the nice stuff too. 

i like neha's little yellow lamp. it lights up the room in a pretty way and helps it not look too empty. 

ahhh i just checked the date. intresting hw i ended up writing in my blog today of all days. 

happy birthday to andrew. hope you stay healthy and have a wonderful year. ( yeah that was for formalities ). it isnt an imp day anymore on the list and its suprising. 

its dads star birthday today so i was taking up my phone to wish him when i realised it and i was suprised at how i forgot it. usually it pops up on my brain whenever april begins. 

this is the downside to remembering birthdays. i remember birthdays of people who i barely talk to these days. its weird. some of that data really needs to be deleted. its all..whats the word ?? cache ??

i like april. its one of those months which has always been fun perhaps because my birthday falls on this month or because of vishu. maybe cuz dad used to come home for holidays during vishu when i was a child. ( fingers crossed , pls do not mess up my april. i will be devasted ) 

i might look paranoid typing it all in brackets but trust me i have my genuine reasons. 

im out of ideas to type.  

i have officially decided to get into proper writing. as in more of a time to polish up the skills thingy. 

realised im a bit too rusty. so im planning on writing based on prompt. 

hopefully ill be able to start by this week. 


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