life update just so that the blog doesn't become lifeless


Gokulam is not so bad after all. The silence is not screaming as much as it was in the beginning. It is not exactly home yet but I'm trying my best to get used to the space. 
It's gonna take some time to perfect the timings and manage the group study schedule too. 
How is my new roommate?  She's fine. I envy her cooking utensils. She has all the things needed for a mini kitchen with her. My plan is to chum upto her so that I can use them too. 
She's fine as a roommate. Apart from her extendable ears lady's quite and does her work in her corner. 
So if I manage all my calls outside then it will be quite fine. 
Ahh yes the highlight if may end and June beginning is certainly our batch trip which we ended up spending half the time inside the amrita bus. Wasn't fun.
It felt like I went fkr a holiday in a holiday tour package thingy with a bunch if different families did not feel like an entire batch went together because everyone was in their own groups. 
I was happy I got to spend time with my root 3. It was cute. By far the most romantic date apart from the oanampally Nagar park date. That one was cute af. 
What else ? 
The momos are getting digested in my stomach and the masala definetly did not settke down so it doesn't feel nice. But it will go away fast. 
Madhuri preached a lot about her migraine but now I see her watching a movie on her tab with the lights off. 🤣🤣🤣. 
The silence is ok now. It helps me clear my mind enough to let me tyoe out my thoughts. 


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