Forever in my Heart...

This is to my special friend..if he never came..I don't think I would we writing all these verses of the person's per ignited the fire of talent for me..I wanted to say thank you sincerely..and could think of nothing..finally came up with isn't perfect...but it's something heartfelt...

Love you ....

As i ran around the corridor
Fumbling with my books , Finishing my chores...
I glanced up to the sudden raise of sound 
to see you there frightened like a mouse. 
There she stood infront of you 
the beautiful figure , hiding hideous news..
i heard you whisper "mom" from afar ,
her anger deafened her ears,
 to hear your sweet heart...
I strived past the drama 
as invisible as a ghost 
thinking of the trauma 
to live like a host...
The heroe for all
felt like a zero after all...
and my silly mind 
couldnt erase the sight..
as i thought about you all night 
standing there with all your might..
From that day on ,
 my perspective of you changed along 
I  no  longer saw 
the picture perfect prince .
standing infront of me was just another 'him' 
his magnetic smile , hides his saddened eyes..
The paining heart cloaked up by his talented mind..
as he too like me ...yearned for a sight 
where his loved ones 
smiled with all their might ..
from that day on he was a silent friend 
to whom i catered upon all the worries present.
with you i travelled pages across my diaries 
with you i started to write my own works...
with you the  world seemed simple , 
a happier place to live upon .
 and still i see you walking past the corridor 
i smile at the calmness that you brought a long 
a silent yet sincere thank you floated along ..
between the friends who never met each other at all...
after all , we are humans ...
a common reflection remains..
the me i saw within you 
showed me life's different hues..
and still i thank you every night 
for being a friend who was never in sight !!!


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