Getting lost with you -5

" Hey.. can we talk ? " 
I look at the direction of the voice to see her again...
Either my systems are getting really tangled up ..or she's just actually there..
My suspicions were confirmed when my fans started sending lasers towards that direction..
I decided it would be better to talk alone since she looked a bit tensed ...though..
I gesture at a tree nearby.. it's our usual hangout spot..
The tree has an awesome shade..
Okay... but.. seriously..??..she just got lost, just like that ??..I can't believe it 
I mean she must've been really tired to miss her own stop..
i wasn't sure what exactly I am to make out of the situation .
but i just can't seem to ignore someone who looks at me as if they're life is in my hands. but at the same time i really don't wanna bother myself with this..
should i just drop her off at the bus terminal or something ??
" what about the buses ?, i'm pretty sure there must be at least one ?"
she gave out a long sigh " none , absolutely none until monday.!"
behind her i could see my friends giving me a look that says ..what the hell are you doing ?..
" i gotta go.. like. .let me think about this "

i walked off towards my friends 
"who is she ?"
" she's my junior..we were in the same school "
" okay..but why is she it looks like some serious problem...she looks like she passed a storm to get here !"
" yeah.. I'm not quite sure..hey guys. I was planning on going home tommorow.."
" tomorrow ??..what about our shoot. we decided to have it this weekend right ?"
" I'm kind of in a situation..."
I'm pretty sure i can convince them..but first i need to get some food 

the look on her eyes when i said that ill drop her off and brought lunch was priceless..
I've never seen someone look at food as though it was gold !

she walked off with suzy . Now i need to convince the guys 


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