getting lost with you - 8

After lunch even the other also woke up and then we all just talked about general stuff and we cracked a few jokes ...
They're nice kids but still it's quite akward because I'm not exactly acquainted with them...

The ride seems never ending we just keep driving and driving ...

The boys alternatively changed among themselves and drove...

By the time Andrew's turn came back it was like 5 in the evening...

As we drove by  , the sunset looked so beautiful we decided to have a tea from a nearby tea stall and we just enjoyed the sunset.

I glanced towards andrew...he was purposefully staying away from the other two who were busy running around and taking pictures and stuff...I guess he probably didn't want me to feel too alienated or something ...
Now that I think about it...I always thought of him as a cocky and selfish person..
.but I guess he's quite nice enough to help a person in distress.

What ?? 

I snapped away from my thoughts as I saw andrew with a confused expression on his face ..

You're staring at me ??..did you want one more kf the snacks ??..

Ohhh no no , I'm fine , I was just thinking about a lot of things know

Yeahh , don't worry we'll  reach there by about 7 ,  7:30... we're closer to calicut than you thought...
And next time you should be careful...I know that being tired could happen..but still,  rest well before you leave for a trip next well...don't stay up late ..and always make sure to inform others and travel together..
Don't book a different seat and end up having no connection with others ...

I was quite surprised to think he even cared ...all I could d was just grin like my old 12 year old self who believed in her luckycharm ...

Listen...I need to tell you something...

I thought maybe I should tell him...don't ask me why or if it's even a good idea to do so...or wouldn't that just make me look even crazier infrint if him...
It was all a moments impulse...
I usually don't think when it comes to imp stuff...I just do it ...
And like that I announced that I have something to say ...

" you're not gonna confess you like me or anything...right ?? " 

His sudden question caught me off guard but I managed to gain composture...

" I don't like's not's something's a bit crazy...and I'm pretty sure you'd just laugh at the nonsense..." 

" then why are you even telling me ? " 

" I don't know.. I just wanted listen..." 

And I started from the very beginning and explained to him my theory of luck which revolves around him...

The look on his face was as if he realized someone made him the main character of a novel...

I was pretty sure he was trying his all to try not to laugh and listen to the whole story...


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