when the universe speaks !

We have a new cat now..
She's still in the process of getting named for now She's lukku , kuttu and symbi all together 😂.
She's fun and lively and loves snuggling. 

Have you ever felt as though the world seems to be speaking to you..
I mean ..you know..sometimes you just feel like that one particular dialouge someone said get highlighted or a particular quote popping out of nowhere..
Moments like that. 
Sometimes I have those moments, it doesn't click me at first to be something I should keep a note of , but after sometime I get what it meant or suddenly it feels like an important sentence. 

When I used to live in pala most Christian students had a quote box kinda thing and they also had one right infront of the table in our hostel entrance.
Every morning while waiting for my roommates to come for brkfst I'd take out one of the quotes and read it. 
Some of them feel like idle words 
But then there was one particular quote that kept finding me ..
Though I never got to understand what that meant. 

Then one day a kid called Rithika in our class had the same set of quote box in English. Most of us were intrigued enough to try taking random quotes and find their meaning. 
So I also joined and took a quote. 
I don't remember the exact sentence but it went like " I will be with you till the end of the blah blah " ( I forgot the last part ) 
This happened during the week when I was feeling homesick , and a lot of stomach issues ( diarrhoea,  constipation took turns to torment me ) and most nights I'd sit on my bed with a torch light to write my diary and end up crying missing home , my mom and andrew ( andrew because of luck ) 
That quote gave me strength.
And that was one of the moment when I felt as though the universe was speaking. 
As though it said..don't give up just yet...I'll be there though you probably can't see me..I'll be there till the end so keep going. 

Such small small things are what kept me sane throughout and eventually get adjusted to hostel. 

The other one quote which really caught my eye was from a book of Robin Sharma where he combined all the quotes from his book " the monk who sold his ferrari " into a book. I forgot the title but I think it was during the month of May or June 

" in the midst of winter I found within me an invincible summer "  , and I remember scribbling this quote down on the top of my that days diary entry. 

Thinking about it now It just feels like it all never happened and was just one dream I saw during lockdown..

Not only quotes ,  I met a few really nice people too while in hostel...usually I love to badmouth that place cuz it literally shattered me but there are 2 people I'll never forget in my life. 

On the first day , 25th April 2019 , when Amma and me where moving my stuff to the hostel room and I realised that I got the upper bunk..I was afraid of heights and my heart sank because I have no idea how to climb onto it..
It was gopu who helped me with setting the bed and all 
After that it was goodbye time and I was crying , crying so hard .. I had mucus all over my mouth and was bawling while walking to the cafeteria. 
I couldn't even chew on my food because I was crying . But then one chechi saw this and came to me and said it's ok..it will take some time to get adjusted .. by the time you leave you'll miss this place. ( the last part is wrong..I went out  happily thinking I'll never set foot here again ) 
Her words is what got me through the first day . 

Eventually I learned to climb my upper bunk to the point where I didn't need to open my eyes to do so 😆😆

The other person was my direct senior a chechi from the elite batch. 
I remember it was calling time and things were very bad that time..I used to fall asleep during classes and couldn't understand things and I fucked up my exams and people were getting too competitive to the point where it was suffocating to breathe..
So I just went into the bathroom and cried , I didn't bother silencing myself and just cried it all out and stepped out. 
Then this chechi came and hugged me. 
We don't know each other , nor have I seen her before , but she came and gave me the most warmest hug in the world.
At that time that was what I needed the most and someone came and held me.
I'll forever be thankful to her for her kindess.

After that we often saw each other and I'd always greet her. 
I hope wherever she is now She's happy and healthy. 
I wish for all the good things in the world for her. 

In a place where even eating food was a sort of race she was kind enough to come and hug me. No one would've done it , not in a place where people are waiting for the downfall of one because that means they are a step above them. 

It was because of these people and those quotes that I decided to get up everytime I hit bottom and felt like the world is ending. 
And maybe all those moments would've been the universe trying to speak to me. 

Maybe even you will have a moment in life where you felt that it was the universe speaking to you. 😉😉


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