when you see the sea ...


a month back i went to the beach after 2 years. though it being only about 30 mins from home i never got to go there. especially after all the renovations . 

i decided to go on my birthday and called up my friends , out of 3 , 2 of them couldnt come so i ended up going with amritha priya who was also excited to see the beach aftr a long time . 

so she came to karrikamkulam and i picked her up and introduced tuku to her and then we went and met nandana , one of our friends , and had a chat for a while and then set out to the beach. 

but the traffic block in karaparamba was horrendous !!!! , did i mention that i was the one driving ??

i was scared since all the vehicles were jam packed and stuff and here are buses waiting to toss you to the side. but i was also busy catching up on gossip while waiting in the block. 

it took us an hour to reach there and the beach looked really calm , like ofc there were people but we found an area which wasnt too crowded and removed our sneakers to wash off our feet. 

it was nice to see the sea after such a long while.. i cant believe i was keeping myself away from all this fun in the name of studies and exams. did it benefit me ? definetly not. 

we talked for a while and then proceeded to talk about entrance exam , currently watching kdramas and their plotlines and then set out to look for something to eat. 

it was all real fun ! , cuz for the first time we were going together outside and that too without parental control ( not that i mind mom or any parent tagging along..but privacy matters ) 

we felt like actual adults since we had to handle ourselves and also me being directionally challenged constantly needed to check google maps to make sure we werent lost. 

i understood that keeping myself away from the fun in the name of exams and all isnt healthy for me , i was missing out on such an important part on life. 

so both of us decided to just go out and have fun when we want and to stop hesitating in the name of neet. to be honest its not like staying behind is gonna make you work hard for the exam , ill just sit there overthinking on why i didnt go , but on the contrary when i did , i got my soul recharged and found myself more calm minded and motivated enough to prepare. 

exams are gonna be a vital part in life while growing up and to loose out on all this on the name of it made me sad. 

i was happy that day , it felt like a big step into being an adult and was quite a funny day too..half the time we were stuck in traffic trying to navigate our way through. 

ill attach a few pictures of the sea once i get my phone back. 

till then toodles !! 


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