Bad Jack




  Im sorta excited about going home. i actually have plans and stuff on how to spend my holidays.

first up ..i dont wanna jinx it by typing it out before i do it but i wanna get back into learning guitar. the last time i played was back in 9th grade for the test. which is actually a long long time. its just lying there in my room. ocaasionaly when amma goes out i pick it up and try to play it. probably google out something and check if i remember all the stuff then realise how aful it sounds and id still try to pick it back up. cant do that when moms around cuz then shell start the whole " all that hard work to hear you make screeching noises " blah blah. 

it is embarassing when she comes to taunt me as to how even after learning it for so many years i am so flawlessly bad at it. I think i started getting into guitar back in 3rd grade , a year after we came back to india.

My mom signed me up for the classes because I had this huge Hannah Montana fan craze as a child. I used to be a big fan of he's before she turned all emo. I remember one time there was some  card of something you'd get with the  "little hearts" packet and I'd buy that just to collect it , On the bright side I found out little hearts. It is till date one of my favorite snacks. 

Back to the main point 

My first guitar teacher was an pain in the ass. He made me hate it tbh. So I purposefully skipped the classes and then at one point convinced my mom into dropping out of it. Then in 4th grade she put me in some other place nearby my house. But then mom had her surgery so she got caught up with that and I conveniently covered up the fact that I even had this class and eventually kicked myself out of it happily 

Then in 6th grade I joined this guitar class happening nearby a church not far away from my house. The sir was nice. Didn't seem like a bad place so I continued. My Hannah montana phase was over back in 4th grade. So I really didn't know why I was even trying to learn this. 

But then in 7th grade is when andrew enters. Bro was soooooooooooo good at playing the guitar that I put up my heart and soul into learning the instrument. 

And then the sir said he's actually leaving the place but he takes classes at his house and if I would be interested to join and I realised his house is more nearby compared to this place. So I said yes.

And then yeah i was quite interested in learning guitar for a while. Tbh it was because my teacher was nice. He was chill , wouldn't scold even tho I was bad at it. Over time we became good friends 

He'd love to narrate about his stories when he went to play for music concerts or about the old men band he has or about his choir in the church. It was honestly a really fun phase. 

I was probably his worst student. He was always worried if I'd pass my exams. Tbh even I was. Even though I was bad at playing the guitar he's always supported me with it and would always help me out.

One time I remember I gave him a birthday gift and he cherishes it soo much. Till date he remembers it and every year when I call him up on his birthday he'd tell me about it all again saying after how I got him a present he kept receiving a lot gifts and cakes and was happy. 

I was quite happy when he called me on my birthday and wished me. See , that's how a teacher student relationship is supposed to be. It is soo hard to have a honest teacher student bond these days. 

I occasionally go to visit him when I go back home for holidays and give a false promise saying I'll come for classes when I get my holidays. But most of my holidays r hardly 3 days. I don't get the time to. So this time I actually wanna go back and  start it all over. 

It would be fun. But I hate it when my fingers pain. It's been a while since I've experienced that so it would be bad. 

This would sound sooo stupid but I've always wanted to get a guitar pick from andrew himself. Tbh he's not a big deal. But I'm probably one of his biggest fan girl out there. I remember that used to be my og dream back in the day. When I was starting off he was a sixth grade player so he's probably a pro now. 

I do have more stuff to write but I guess I'll update it at some point. My hand aches from holding the phone up. And I'm sleepy. 


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