forget the dime I'm happy with my nickel


About time I opened the draft page since coming home. 
I did have the plan on mind to wrote about my crazy train story. 
And even had plans to update on life changes that I had planned. 
But not different from the usual ways , I have succumbed into the hands kf the Supreme couch potatoeness. 
Atleadt this time I got outside of the house thrice. Which is nice.
I have to say with all the road construction thing going on they have decided to change bus routes which has made it damn easy to get out of the house. I can get picked up and dropped right infront of my area which is quite convenient. 
My holiday season has been good. 
I have been resting well. 
Do not appreciate my weight gain but yeah I'll deal with it on the later half of the holidays. 
My mother has been fat shaming me with no break.
Even I am baffled at her sentences but honestly it is funny so I can't help laugh. 
The cats r actuallybquite difficult to handle. They're very naughty and feeding them changing their litter and all is honestly hard work. No wonder mom keeps convincing us to give them away.
But how can I? They're out cats. 

I went out and I am always surprised st how I am literally in my hometown and yet my chances kf even accidentally encountering my LC seems impossible. 
Is it too much to ask honestly ? 
Not that I care but then I wouldn't mind. 

My results came out today. Yooho I passed. 
Initially my mom was quite depressed after realising there were kids who got distinction and I am not there. The first half kf the result revealing segment consisted kf questions like why aren't you there ? , you should've studied better , blah blah blah. 
And as usual I wasn't congratulated even today. 
But then on the bright side she has accepted my marks , there is less drama , I don't have to listen to the past 1p year story of how things have always reached very good but never excellent. 
And then it was dad's turn. 
And then I just told them to be glad that I passed and they don't have to pay for the say exams or for sitting one year idle after which they were relieved on knowing of their imaginary monetary loss. 

Now for the important part. How do I feel after knowing my results ? 
I am happy to pass. 
And possibly for the first time I am content with my very goods and do not yearn for the excellent. 
I'm quite glad that I passed bevahse honestly I know how fucked up I was during finals week. 
Tho I'd be a tad  bit sad about physiology I'm cool overall. 

It is still quite unbelievable that college first year is actually done. 
I remember writing on a past blog post back about how I feel that I have changed to the point where I cannot recognize myself and that instead of the old me who left a 1000 of her wishes unfulfilled the new version would fulfill another 10,000 in her place. 
Well the numbers wont be accurate but I'd say I have come terms to peace. 

Special thanks to all those people who have kept me sane throughout the insane exam season and kalyani , my thankam 💕 , I love you to the earth and back. 
May you forever have chocolates in your pocket ❤️.  


  1. aww da. this is so sweet. I just go through your page everytime i miss you and i feel like i'm carrying a part of you within me. I'm so glad you're happy. I am very very happy and proud of you and I cant wait to see you conquer the world


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