The pineapple conspiracy - yes I'm obsessed with the scent


Unlike last year's new year , this year there wasn't much doom Dham and dance. We have a test tmr and a presentation that I haven't prepped for. 
I am typing this as I sadly look over my finger which got paper cut as I was changing Calenders. 
So far 2024 started off with namitha curtain rod falling and us having to attach it back. 
Wasn't quite the exciting moment I thought of it to be. 

But I do look forward to the year. 
I mean , it is the what's the word? "Sangham " of the two og scents I used to use back in 9th. 
I used to love that pineapple amd Jasmine perfumes I interchanged every other day. Honestly when the bottles got over I new I couldn't get a refill. 
But guess what , after 5 years I have finally found the exact scent in a diff brand. 
I was like yooho when I found my pineapple tangerine fruity perfume. 
And then Lakshmi happened to gift me a perfume and it was the Jasmine scented one. 
I know I sound peakncrazy rn 
But the combined comeback of these two honestly is low-key the indication of a comeback . Amd comeback it is. 
That's the motto for this year. 
Even though I'm actually leaking through my nose with possible allergies and an injured finger it is safe to say that a comeback is near and I'm taking it. 
On  a side note I have a feeling that I am gonna see my LC. 

2nd year tbh isn't Vibing rn but I'll give jt a chance. 

And here's to many more funny anecdotes in this tiny blog and many more emotional outbursts I enjoy laughing at years after. 
Goodnight 2023 , good morning 2024.

I honestly wish I'm just healthy. I ammeriosuky concerned of my health this time. 

I saw Andrew's story today and wow he's grown it's almost like seeing an entirely doff person. And the fact that he is turning into a chronic alcoholic doesn't help either. 
He needs to live long enough to work as my LC. Anyways I don't really care as long as it's all good. 

I'm gonna sleep,  I have Class tmr. Or eke I'd probably sleep over there .

I am gonna update this but fkr now I must sleep 


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