Han - The River Of Dreams



why did i just type out my blogs url as my new title for my new post ? 

i just realised that i have never explained here as to why my blogs url is ha-theriverofdreams.blogspot.com 


Han River is a famous river in south korea . 

from what i see in kdramas , han river is the perfect spot for that riverisde picnic with family , casual date with your boyfriend or even a good marriage proposal spot 

but there is another face to this beautiful river which is seen in kdrama as well as newspaper 

there is a high rate of suicide when it comes to han river , the amount of people jumping into it is alarmingly high that they have introduced comforting words over the railings of the river . 

but what does that have to do with my blog ? , initially i planned to write out a story about han river in this blog and that is why i gave that title , but i never wrote that story out of laziness , so for now it is living rent free in my mind . 

but then as i pondered over the url i found that it fits what i am writing here 

han river holds a lot of dreams in it , many people who have jumped into it have jumped with their own dreams and aspirations , many people who have propsed near the han river have promised vows and have their own set of dreams . 

some of the dreams beside han river sparkle like the lights from the building beside it. while some dremas have sunken deep into the river bed . 

what my goal is , is to give a chance to all those dreams whether they are good or bad 

thats why most of my content might be bakwaaz and some of them intresting to read. 

i have deicded that this place neednt be one filled with lies but somehwere where i can open my heart and write out my fears and troubles 

i would write out my happy moments and stories which will sparkle like fairy lights at the same time i will be writing comlaints and sortow stories which represent sunken down dreams 

that one river is just like any other river around the world. it has water in it 

but when looked upon deeply , the han river has a lot of dreams from diff people who once came by over that and hence i believe that the han river is a river of dreams 

and thats why my blogs title is Han-The River Of Dreams 

( i know there are typos , im sleepy and im writing this for fun, i believe that if u are smart enough to find that i splled it wrong then you r indeed smart enough to guess the right word, hence i will not be taking time to edit this entry. i will happily procrastinate and go to bed )


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