

                                 this is the room before i bought all my stuff over it looks better now.                                                         

i moved in to gokulam today. ive been keeping it off to the last day possible because after that its such a new place. gokulam isnt bad , there is no noise here and the bathrooms are good. the speakers doesnt blast in full volume. over all a student friendly environment. 

yeah who am i kidding , ill be honest , the silence here is haunting me. nobody gets out of their rooms and its just too too too silent. the hallway is quite dark so that isnt fun. and im also worried about how i can sleep in the dark in a new room. it gonna be a fun night tonight. 

i miss my friends , not like i always saw them back in dwaraka but still. i miss chillin with abhirami. here im on the 1st floor so even if she does come over we cant gossip like before because of the walls being non soundproof. 

overall i dont know why people are fighting to get to this hostel. there isnt much to it as the hype it has. 

i dont know how its gonna be. im concerned if ill end up feeling distant from my friends because of the move. i wish they also move in here soon enough. 

the bright side to this is that its gonna be like this for 3 days after that its the trip and by that time madhuri would come back home. so atleast there will be human presence. 

it started feelin lonely in here so i wanted to type my mind out. 

im gonna miss the old room. it was a sort of haven consdiering how i got it last year in the middle of a bad room change fight. even neha was a fun to live with person. ive made good memories there. 

it was sweet of neha to leave her bed and lamp , mostly cus she was too lazy to carry it but it gave me company in the emppty room when she moved out. 

im so used to sleeping with a lamp on its gonna be difficult to sleep tonight. 

i know its funny because i always type in here that i never get time to write because it is always so noisy out there. but now that all the noise is gone the silence seems to be screeming.

anyways , i hope it is all for the well and that i have a happy time in the new room too. 


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