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rainy days

  today in medicine wards i tried taking BP. the last time i took someones BP manually was during physio practical class. so ive lost touch in how to do it. so i thought i should practise a bit but then people kept interupting me today and kept trying to teach me how to do it. me being a snob prefer myself to just learn things in my way. so theyre untimely intervention was not accepted with much grace. my initial idea was to try to take thier BP , because ive forgotten i know im rusty with my skills. i knew im not going to get it. so the plan was to check how far i remember then study up on the deficient parts and then come back and try it again. but then the same thing and thought camee to me again.  at times i sorta feel very unpreparaed or like not doing the work well sorta. i know its me being harsh on myself. tbh i wont even be that bad. but then the fact that im not reaching there , or the fact that i cannot win seems to be affecting me a lot more than i care to accept. i thought

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