Getting lost with you - 2



I wake up to the bitter batter clanker banker inside the train...
I wonder many people are exactly getting off at Kozhikode that there is soo much noise ...ughhhh
My alarm...did it ring ??..did I wake up earlier...
The blinding light when I tried to open my eyes gave me the answer...
Wth...oh my god...I sit down in a hurry...and find myself dizzy...I could feel the drool soread over my face and ofcourse the pain of hitting the seat above..again !! 
I slowly git down took my bags and got out of the train...
It seems I was one of the last ones...
I stumbled out to the station and managed to find a bench to sit...
I wash my face with my bottle of water and drink some..
I can't see anything because if the sleek and the sunlight isn't heloing much...
Anyways were still home..
Thinking that I woke up in Kozhikode and not Kottayam I feel a sudden urge of energy spread through me ... oppas here I come....
Wait...I'm at Kozhikode itself right...if it's our usual train then the last stop is Kozhikode ...
Though what happened to my alarm ??..
Ahhh stupid earphones I forgot to remove them ...
I can see my missed alarm and 30 missed calls from neeraja..
59 missed calls from mom 
What frightened me the mkst was the time it's 8:30 a.m
I was supposed to get off at 4 am..
4 hours have passed...
Someone came beside me and kept asking me something..
I look up to their face...that's when my whole brain actually starts to do it's functions..I couldn't get a single word he was trying to say to me....proabbaky some beggar...I took my bags and just got away from him..
But wait..this is not Calicut..atleast this is not that station...did they renovate while I was away...
I guess a year can change a lot..
Who am I kidding....I can feel the fear through my stomach...or is it that I'm hungry ??...
I closed my eyes for a second grabbed onto my pendant which had a small carved krishna in it and pray...
" Oh krishn...I hope I'm home..if not ..please let me reach home ..please.." 
And I open my eyes...
Ofcourse...god's can't magically transport me to Kozhikode and enough of me fooling myself..
I missed my stop and now I'm at some weird place...I need to find a board to knkw where I am..
But first..I think I need to call my home or neeraja ..
I wonder if calling home would be good..I can almost imagine the blast...
But still...maybe I shoukd try...
I call home...
As usual nobody picks up...
But for once...I feel scared and relieved at the same time..
I call neeraja then...
She lamkst readily took the phone..
" Where are you...I called so many times !!!..didn't you wake ul .you got off right .??..where are you .did aunty come and pick you up ??..why can't u call and tell if you left...I waited almkst an hour over there..." 
My am I gonna explain this 
" Hello...yea .well....I got off the train..but I don't really knkw where I am..." 
" What ??..what do u mean by that ?? " 
" I don't know where I's not Calicut..but I haven't figured out the have to help me can't know I got lost...they'll go crraazzy..." 
" What are you got lost ...??..oh shit..right..this time we got on a new train which ends at..oh my god ...lakshmiiii " 
" What..why ??? " She's scaring me to death now...
I can hear a lot of sound from here side..seems like she's searching for the ticket...
Wait I also search for mine..
" You're in.." 

" Banglore.." I finsh for her...
" Exactly...but..what..wait .you're in BANGALORE !!! were supposed to be in Kozhikode....what do we say...oh my god...more than do we get you out..?? .." 
" I have no idea..." 
I can taste salt in my mouth as my tears and drool all mix up and enter my mouth...
I need to find a way...
" u know anyone in banglore ?? " 
I was dead certain that I knew no one in banglore...I almkst want to kick my cousin's for working in Chennai...I only hear a silence from her side ...
" I don't personally knkw one in my family lives there...what about you ? " 
" Nope...all clear...oh god..I just wished if there is atleast one human I know..I could manage to get back home.."
" Well...there is but..." 
" But what..??..who ?? we know someone here ??? " 
"'s know .." my friend keeps hesitating...
It seems that my brain is hibernating these's so damn slow...
" can't..I definitely wont..I promised that I'll never can't..." 
" Lakshmi please...just..." 
" Cover for me anything..tell anything...the train broke down..anything...cover for me for 2 days...I'll get home by then...maybe even before...I plan to start already..." 
With that I cut the phone...
How could she possibly... matter what..I'll never ever ever ask for help from him...
The whole gk away from home study of mine was for me to be independent...I can't have myself depend on something like
I'm determjned to find my way out of this mess..
I appreciate how in india there's always English boards ...because the language below it makes no sense to feels something like tamil and malayalam mixed up with a lot of curls in italics...
I head off to the office to enquire about the next train to Calicut...
" The next train to Calicut will be on Monday.." 
" Oh..that's good..but what day is today ?? " 
" Saturday..." 
" That's 2 makes no sense..." 
" Trains to Kozhikode run only from mon - Fri " 
" Damn! " 
The office guy is staring at me..
I glare at him back...
I wanted to smash that little glass box he's hiding in but the fat aunty behind me would squeeze me first so I got my way out ...
Half an hour in that queue just to now there's no way to get home..
Maybe a bus...I could book a bus..
My phone...I reach for my phone..
Ohh crap !!..
I thought of my real phone..the one locked up in my room at Kozhikode where I should be right now ...
I can feel tears forming again...
I need a phone not this primitive box that I have...
Ughh curse that school for having stupid rules...
I need to get a phone...
I look around to notice if anyone nearby seems kind enough to lend me a phone...
I see a young girl...I think a bit older than me...
I plan to approach her and  go closer ....
"excuse me ?..could you give me your phone ??"
she looks at me as if i asked to lend her boyfriend for a day...
i cant believe it...she just stared..more like released infrared rays for 5 seconds and just went off..
this is gonna get even more crazier i guess..and then i saw my wonder..she mustve thought i was a theif or something hair is haggard from my beauty sleep which caused all this disaster ..i smoothed a few strands..and managed to look human.. im gonna try one more time..let me see..
I see a boy more like an uncle boy..the phase where you want to look old but your young kind of age 
I went towards him and asked with puppy dog eyes.."could you please give me your phone ??..i just need it for a wouldnt take a lot of time..."
he looked at me..a bit hesitant at first but still managed to give me his phone ..
i googled up the nearest bus station ...ok....i think i can pull this off..
the guy leaned over to look at my search..a little confused but still .he asked "..actually the next bus goes through the station , so if you get on it you could probably reach there.."
my god..such an angel when compared to that beast before...i almost had tears in my eyes..finally some luck..releif flooded through my veins..
"thank you .." i said..and i was sure i really meant it from the very bottom of my heart 
the bus came in about 15 me enough time to check my bag for whatever resources i have..
Neeraja gave me a call saying shed manage to make them believe that im with her at her grans or something..anyways as far as the excuse works and i reach there alive and healthy to get scolded off i dont really care ...
finally the rain comes...a large blue vehicle ..her name was "shrada"..
id probably name my daughter in loving memory of the bus which saved me..ohh..i shoulsve asked his name..if i future son that would definetly be your name !!..
i hopped on to the bus all excited..but then i luggage..
why did i have to take all the soiled clothes for washing ,and some books, and got knows whanot is in this long as theres no reptiles im happy ..
i took a ticket and even managed to find a seat..finally things are going my way 
and i dont ever need to beg , wish, or depend on other external factors..finally i am capable of handling my problems..
it was a half an hour ride and i was sleepy too..but god !!..i swear ill never sleep while travelling again in my whole life ..that single thought made all the tiredness and sleepiness go away...i was as alert as an ambulance..
on reaching the bus station i doubted i would get off the bus with ladies shoving me to the side to get out first..but i managed to land on ground before the bus took off..
now..where is that office ???

"can you believe it ??..theres not one single bus to calicut until monday !!!!..MONDAY !!!!
i think ill go mad at this have got to help me out !!!"
"Lakshmi !!!..calm down..breathe..drink some water.."
"you think i should be drinking water now ??...i want to go home !!"
" my god..theres got to be some kind of way..listen..ill call mam and ask her about it ."
with that i threw the phone away..people beside me starte staring at me and i realised i just threw my only way of own antique phone ..
i took it pieces and joined then together hoping it would work..
i might seem off as a very rude person..dont get me be one of the sweetest gems you met if you did at the right moment and the right conditions..but im far worse than a tyrant when i go angry..its really very hard to think when your angry..and i certainly need to throw things around to release all the negative energy...

with almost no way out..i walk out from the station to find some other way to go back home..i might be able to hitch a ride..but ..i wouldnt guarantee myself to reach home safely...
oh god !! will i get out of this mess...
with no hope out of this never ending nightmare..i slwoly walk though the pavement ..
it feels like im in some sad movie where the actress got assualted or the lover just left here..i just walked off aimlessly ..the bright cars all blurred out..tears swelling up my eyes..
the only thing missing id the BGM..or else the heavens wouldve nailed a box office hit out of me...
and BAM !!..its like the gods above can hear me ...there is a loud sound of the crowd and then ..

"jab koi baath bigad jaaye..
jab koi muskhil pad jayeee..
tum dena saath meraa ..
oh hamnavaazz"..
and the cool guitar music..
i couldve murdered the fools who had to choose that song itself !!!
of all the songs in the world...
i never shouldve believed in luck or any of those im soo filled with it..that i think i cant do anything by myself...
i look up to see the fools to kill them with my glare... thhat song is from inside that building..
with nothing else to do i just followed off to where this make fun of lakshmi show is set up in..after going around a few times..i managed to get to the front entrance..
"ohhhh myy goddd...i cant believe this...after all that drama..the ehavens have decided to bring me to exactly the very person whom i shouldnt be asking for help...

"na koyi hain 
na koyi ththa 
zindagi mein 
thumhare sivaay 
tum dena saath meraa 
oh humnavazz..."
the songs lyrics hit me hard..and well..i guess its not a bad idea..but i doubt the guy would even know who I to find him in this vast ocean of college kids that too during some event of theres seems like a mission impossible taks..but then again ..its nt like i have a hundred choices to pick from..
and with that i step into St. Claires College... 


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