getting lost with you -6

Suzy is soo kind...
Honestly even though the whole thing is crazy I'm dead relieved that I didn't end up in between gansters or I don't know...
I'm just relieved that I can feel a bit safe...
It was refreshing to stand under the shower after a long days trail...
I can't believe I'm in the middle of nowhere..
But above all that ...I can't believe that I ended up right infront of him...
I know it's so confusing right...I talk like he was my boyfriend..or friend at least..when in reality he's just someone I saw everyday..
Was it a crush ??..somewhat..I wouldn't say no to that..but im not sure if I really like like him..
At first it was just intresting to find out that whenver this guy happens to be in my radius my days are smoother and more is good and I need not worry...
But ...slowly I was so hung up on that fact that when he graduated out of school and I changed to another one..
Life without seeing the lucky face was just miserable...
I'm afraid if heights but ended getting the top of a double decked bed...
I was so frightnening to get on it the first time ..but now I do it with my eyes closed...
And then I got sick 
I fainted for the first time in my life and then once the bathroom pile broke and I got all wet after washing up 
And honestly if I start listing all that ...I'll go mad..
In short I felt like I was losing it without my luckycharm..
And there were these weird ..I don't knkw how to even describe'm generally superstitious..
But..I had this idea where since andrew is my luckycharm everything related to him would be lucky for me..since he was born on the 9th..I thought the number 9 would be lucky for me..
I hung on there only because my laundry number was 9...yea that sound creepy or funny or stupid..
But at that time it felt like..maybe know that kind of feeling when you feel totally alone and suddenly you have a feeling that there's someone for you..someone who believes in you and will be by your side if not physically...
I'm not in love with doesn't work that way...but he's like a support for me..
Like..somewhere I can turn to when I'm in trouble , someone who will take away my worries so that I can do my best..that's the kind of person he was to me..
I'm happy that I memorized his details...
Ahh...I did not stalk him..his mom told me..that's how I knew...

I got out of the shower...and it feels soo good to feel clean...

" Woaahh...your actually quite pretty ! " Says Suzy
" What ?..." I'm confused now
" looked like a zombie with all your weird hairstyle and bloated face and all that dirt ..." 
I almost laughed wonder that bus stop girl ran away...
" Hey..can I ask what hineslt happened ??." 
" Its a long story..." 
" And I'm all ears " 
Since she insisted and since it's not some high end undercover mission I told her everything starting from my departure to my arrival to this land of unknown 

" Wow...that must've been hard on do you know rithik ?? " 
Uh know I can't explain my theory of luck ..but ..okay..let's make this simple..

" He was my senior in high school , a friend of mine told me he studies here and I happened to pass by so I thought I'd ask for help since I have no idea about this town and I don't have a proper phone to find my way home.." 
That's partly me if I had my actual smartphone..I wouldn't even need to beg people like this..I could've googled my way out ! ..
Curse boarding schools for not accepting smartphones !...

" what do u wanna watch..lemme take my lap.." 
Suzy came over with her lap and a few pendrives..
My gosh she has a bunch..
I love her already !! 
" So..what do we watch ??..let me see.." 
She opens a file and I see a few familiar drama name..
" Heirs " , " my love from another star " , " dream High "..." Murphy's law.." 
Wait..Murphy's law ??..I honeslty think we should change it to Lakshmi's law since it applies to me so much..
Have you ever read what Murphy's law is ?? 
Murphy's law stated that if something has to go wrong it will go wrong in the worst possible way or something...
Or its synonym : my life ! 

We ended up watching one of was nice coz it took my mind off from all this thinking for a while..I tend to over think when I'm in trouble..
Suzy even made me tea..
" Hey..Rit just msged me..he says they're gonna shoot today evening and asked if you'd wanna come and see.." that what they call him ??..oh my's soo lamee...
" Ugh..I don't u wanna go ?? " 
" Kind of yes...I's the know your a bit shocked about landing in an unknown place but this is also your lucky time..atleast you got yourself a tour to banglore ! how about we look around this place ?? " 
Well..the word luck struck me and she's not entirely wrong...I'd never get lost it's better to enjoy it when I'm lost...
Though..I must be catious I believe...I know I consider andrew as my luckycharm and stuff but my brain is giving me serious danger's even shouting at me about possibilities on getting intoxicated and used off..
Oh shut up brain !! seems I've been listening to too much aunty mind is filled with worst case scenarios..
While my heart is thrilled on me taking up something so wild and random..
I let me heart decide on this one..

" Hey...I don't think that would be  a good outfit.." 
" I wore this today morning...I don't think it looks bad.." 
"'s just..don't you think it's a bit lame..considering were going to some shiny shiny place.." 
" ...I don't think it's a shiny shiny place..they're probably shooting in some street...wait..what are they actually shooting for ??'s okay..I'm good with this " 
" Oh..they have a" 
" Aahh..i see..." 
I look at the mirror..I know it's not exactly a good dress..but ..I purposely wore this since it was for the rest of my clothes are all soiled..and honestly the least I care about now is my clothes and appearance..
I'll have to message neeraja  before I go out..
She must be tensed...
I left her a message saying I'm safe and whatever happened and that I'll reach home with or without andrew ..I'm definitely reaching home for today..
I'm going to leave my worries and maybe hang out with Suzy..

" You know you can borrow a few clothes of mine if you want..." 
" No..seriously I'm cool with this..besides it's comfortable.." 
It is really....

And we walk out to meet them 


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