getting lost with you 4


My hands are shaking as I wait for him to come out of that stage...
For the first time in my life I'm actually going to talk to him , if we cut out all the imaginary conversations I had , I see him walking back...
And BAM !...there is this rush of girls who are there to oogle him...
Ha !..he hasn't changed at all..
Except that he looks older now and is sporting a beard which looks ugly on him...
Yea...Im not much of a fan of beards...
Wait no..that's not what I came here for..home..
I keep forgetting about it now that he's in my radius..
My dear brain , please work properly so that I can convince him to take me home...
Finally...I decided to wave and get in the crowd...


" Hey !!  And.." I wave my hand and walk...wait...Andrew is not his real name...what was his real name ???...
Gosh how can I forget it right now...
C' can't just forget a name you've been scribbling for years...
He looks at my side a bit confused 
By this time the girls around him are giving me the lasers..
Who cares...I don't want him..I just want to use this guy as my means if transport back home...
" Hey...can we talk ? " 
I step a bit closer to the circle...
His eyes widened a bit at my sudden approach but of course you have to be so he pointed to the tree where I kept my bag...
And I silently followed...if I could keep this act of bravery enough to convince him I'd be relieved...
" go to this college ?? " 
" actually kind of came to see you.." 
" Me ??? Why ?..I don't think we know each other much..." 
" I know...I'm sorry for suddenly bursting in but I got lost and your the only person I know here and I need to get back home and I really wanted him ..." I kept trailing off...
By the end I was breathless and he looked at me startled...
It wasn't exactly what I planned but my brain can't register the fact that the Andrew of fantasy and the Andrew of reality are different people and that I shouldn't definitely act so informal and true to heart to someone who I'm speaking for the first time in my life ...
He's silent for a few min...
" How exactly did U get lost ? " 
" It's a very long story you have got to help me ...I mean..I really need to get home..the bus and trains aren't gonna be available till Monday and I need to get home by tomorrow me please.." 
The last came as a sob...
He looked at me for a moment...
I think that's sympathy I see in those eyes...
"Hmm...since it's the weekend...I could give you a ride...but...I don't know...I'm a bit ...I don't's a bit sudden...let me see what I can do..." 

I couldn't blame him for not trduting me..I was a total stranger...besides I must understand that he is not the same person who I think he is ...
I keep getting confused with the real one and the one I've made up in my mind...maybe I should try to find another way back...
It maybe I'll just call mom or dad...that's better...
They'll understand...I should've just done that earlier...
I feel so felt like everything was gonna be fine...but I don't know...I can't expect a total stranger to help me out just because I know him...
Plus I think he's more terrified of the fact that where I knew to find him..if I was in his place I'd probably decide that I'm his stalker...
I slowly take the primitive device out of my pocket...
There's one thing about nokia , you throw it from my Everest and it will survive the fall...
I switched it on to find a bunch of missed calls and messages from neeraja...
And there's calls from mom , dad , grans...
I decide to call mom...
The phone starts ringing...
I really don't know what to say...but I don't think I have another choice here...
I feel soo hungry...I haven't eaten anything since coming out of that train...the only something which I had has evaporated and the only thing left is gallons of hydrochloric acid.
And the aroma of food comes out from nowhere that to this point I am no different than a person in a desert seeing a mirage...
My sensory imagination is amazing...I could go to master chef u can smell the aroma of ghee and spices and that green thing they put in everything...I forgot it's same...
And there it was infront of me..
A plate of rice and some curry...
I think I'm going paranoid...
Hunger and hoplessness has me hallucinating...
I blink my eyes...I can still see it...
Confused...I look up to see andrew looking at me ...

" Its about lunch time ...I figured you wouldn't have had anything since shoukd eat before you pass out " 

I couldn't believe my eyes...I honestly thought he found me creepy and ran tears were falling onto the rice ..
Never have I felt so helpless yet relieved..
I hate being depended on someone...and yet I finding myself seeking solace from this person...only that this time it's real and not my mind playing games with me ....

After lunch he introduced me to few of his friends...
One of them was an exchange student called Suzy..
" Hey...I heard your rithik's friend...I'm Suzy " ...
" Aaa....( wonder...I knew I knew it...but I forgot it ) ..nice to meet you..I'm Lakshmi " 

Don't get me wrong...I was never a fan of his real name...
It just seems too cool for a name..
Andrew comes up to me tensed...
" I don't know Lakshmi if I could help you out...I have a recording...and we need to upload it this week...we were thinking of travelling somewhere in banglore..." 

My heart stopped at that...why the sudden change ??..I look behind seems his friends just does'nt like the idea...
Well...if they don't like it then I'll just have to make them like it...okay...let me see...

" I was thinking ...if we could cover up the video today...maybe we could leave tomorrow..." 
Wait ...what did he just say...
He's smiling...
Oh dear...even after all this drama..
I grinned like a fool seeing him smile...

I guess then it's okay with him...though...can I honestly trust him...I heart would kill me for asking that..but the brain is more responsible...god knows !! 

" Hey...wanna hang out with me while they figure out what to do...I think you need to wash up a bit.." 
" A bit would be an the way...are you an exchange student .." 
" Yea.." 
" where are you from ?? " 
" South Korea " 
" Aaaaaa" with that I was screaming up and down...
Suzy got the idea and just grinned while andrew ran all the way over worried...
" What happened ??.." 
" Oh nothing...I's a sudden " I stuttered...
He sighed and walked off...

" Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm meeting a South you watch dramas ?? " 
" You bet..wanna binge watch any today ?? " 
" I'd like some relaxation after all this mess today..." I have a feeling she and I will be acquainted even after this...

With that she pulls me out towards the gate...

"Wait...don't you live in the dorms ?? " 
" No...I rented an apartment for's strange in the hostel with no one knows about my country or my taste...and we'll..there's that communication I thought this would be better..." 

" Hmmm...your right.." 


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