Is there light in the end of the tunnel ?




Hopeless hope is what I call my current state
after each rainy day hoping for the sun to shine 
I'm blinding myself with the light of hope
thinking things will be alright
in a speck of time
though reality speaks something different
as my dreams start fading each day 
I am tired of this oblivion 
this gloominess that I face each day 
I'd like to reach to the stars 
paint my dreams with bright hues
and fill my heart with happy news
and yet i stay stagnant 
inside this little pond 
more useless than the frog who should have taken my spot 
No matter how hard I try 
things still seem the same
enough is enough 
now I want things my way
I'm tired of crying due to failures 
I'm tired of envying the players 
id like to rise to the top myself 
so , the gods of luck 
help me instead 
it seems no matter how hard I try 
I always end up feeling nigh
cause that's how things magically turn out to be 
always obeying murphy's theory 
there is no rainbow after the storm 
there is no sun behind the clouds
that's all rubbish the internet has
for those who have failed ,alas !
For I believe if change is to be made 
it must be in you 
by now I have no idea
what I've been writing till now 
this was just for getting rid of anemia 
caused by life's constant nausea 
though it all seems hard
I still believe in hope like fool
lets pray that this hope could lead me 
not into doom ! 

              - Lee Hwa Yung '


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